Christian Busch reveals that luck isn't always dumb. People who can see what others don't.

-Daniel H. Pink

The Serendipity Mindset is a wise, exciting and life-changing book

-Arianna Huffington

Brief summary

The Serendipity Mindset by Christian Busch is a guide to fostering serendipity in our lives. It offers a new perspective on how to seize chance opportunities and create our own luck. The book presents personal stories and scientific research to inspire readers to live a more open and curious life.

Popular Highlights in this book

Good luck isn’t just chance—it can be learned and leveraged.
Often we think that successful people—and successful companies and organizations—are simply luckier than the rest of us.
How we interpret or look back upon serendipity is important. In fact, it can make a big difference in the likelihood of serendipity occurring in the future.
Being attuned and alert to serendipity means letting go of ingrained biases.

AI Summary of 10 key ideas

1、There are several kinds of serendipity, but they’re all different than “blind” luck of the draw – they’re about creating “smart luck.”
2、Serendipity is usually about connecting dots that have previously remained elusive.
3、Being attuned and alert to serendipity means letting go of ingrained biases.
4、Organizations such as RLabs are good examples of having a serendipity mindset.
5、To stay alert and motivated, remain focused on a meaningful north star.
6、You can increase the chances of serendipity in simple ways.
7、There are easy steps for planting the seeds for serendipity to occur.
8、Serendipity can take time to develop, so patience is often required.
9、Fostering serendipity involves creating a safe space for the mixing of new ideas from diverse minds.
10、A blink from the author: Navigating COVID-19 uncertainty with a serendipity mindset.